I currently work with clients in Charlottesville, Sherando, and traveling home visits with a new policy on how we go about it. Check out my new COVID19 Policy.
In Sherando, I have a new studio located at 2160 Mt Torrey Rd. When the weather is appropriate we can also work outside near the beautiful Back Creek.
In Charlottesville, I work at 1140 E Market Street, Suite 206 on Mondays and Suite 204 on Fridays.
Or I can come to you, if you have a suitable place to work. I do charge travel fees.
If you want to schedule please go to my book now page, or call/text me at (434) 466-5855
So what is this Structural Integration…
- Get rid of chronic aches and pains from poor posture, bad habits, and old injuries
- Upgrade athletic, work, and musical performance
- Acquire skills in body awareness so you keep from hurting yourself again.
- Move with grace –Breathe naturally
Who is Scott Gauthier?
Frequently asked questions
About your first session
Book an appointment or free consultation now
Who needs Structural Integration?
- People who have those chronic aches and pains and just want to feel younger.
- People who have pain that is holding them back.
- People that want life to be easier and more graceful.
- People who want to look taller and more aligned.
What is Structural Integration?
Structural Integration is a process of making a better you. You will discover the relationship between your body and the earth’s gravity field. You will feel lighter, move easier, and have less pain.
It is a systematic approach to releasing patterns of stress in your body.
Most of us do not stand in an up and down line from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet. Sometimes our heads are too far forward, or our backs have too much sway. We may stand with most of our weight on one leg. There are many versions of poor posture, often caused by illness, injury, emotional stress, or gravitational forces.
The body reacts to the stress of incorrect posture by rebuilding the area with connective tissue/fascia which provides extra support, but, unfortunately, also limits the amount of motion in that area. This is often felt as chronic pain, discomfort, stiffness, or decreased flexibility.
Structural Integration works to free up the fascia and organize it in such a way as to alleviate stress in the whole body. The fascia softens, allowing movement and flexibility. Length comes into the body, giving muscles space to work, and joints freedom to function properly. Posture becomes more upright and easier.
Clients often report positive changes in their emotional lives. They may carry less of “a burden on their shoulders”.
Chronic body pain from old injuries, bad posture habits, and emotional trauma, go away. Athletic performance becomes easier. Clients frequently report a renewed comfort with their bodies.
How does it work?
The S.I. journey begins with the Basic Ten Series— ten sessions of approximately one hour each. The sessions build upon each
other as they focus on different parts of the body. Photographs may be taken of your posture to evaluate at the start, and to observe the progress of the sessions. If you have had the ten sessions before, there is no need to repeat them. We can start in with the advanced work.
Then while you lie on the table, the S.I. Practitioner begins the fascial work. Applying pressure to the myofascial tissues, the Practitioner will use his hands, arms, and sometimes his elbow to carefully move the tissue. You are an active participant in the work, being asked to breathe into or move the part of the body being worked.
Because this is an educational process, the S.I. Practitioner will offer you information about anatomy, physiology, and movement. You will become more aware of your body and how you use it. After the 10 sessions, the body will continue to organize for another few months as you naturally learn what to do with the new found freedom.
After receiving the Basic 10 series, many clients elect to continue with advanced work. Advanced work can be done in single sessions or in a series of sessions grouped together to increase the total organization of an individual. The Advanced Five Series was developed by Ida Rolf, Peter Melchior and Emmett Hutchens as a repeatable project to awaken and assist the client in balancing the inside/outside, being/doing aspects of living.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Get an Appointment
Call/Text (434) 466-5855, or e-mail scott@awarebody.com
Click here to view Scott’s calendar.